Friday, 28 January 2022

Top 6 Questions to Ask Before Advertising in a Newspaper

 A newspaper advertisement requires huge sums of money, planning and effort. With so many endeavours put into an advertisement, you’d obviously want to see the results of your hard work. But what happens quite often, is that we’re not entirely aware of the requirements needed before publishing a newspaper ad. A few questions regarding placing an ad might pop into your mind and in most cases, it is brushed off with the assumption that it's too trivial. 

But we’re here to tell you that every question regarding publishing a newspaper advertisement is important. Even the questions you assume to be trivial can hold details that will help your ad bring in the desired response. Therefore, it is critical to be fully informed about the services offered to you by a newspaper advertising agency. Besides that, ensure that every query regarding the advertisement is cleared out. 

Here are 6 important questions you should ask before advertising in a newspaper : 

Question 1 - What is the reach of your choice of newspaper? 

Every newspaper has its fair share of reach among its audience. Therefore, it is necessary to inquire about your newspaper's print circulation, digital platform visits, and total readership. This statistic will demonstrate the market's worth or lack thereof. It will help you understand whether one particular newspaper will bring you the exposure you are looking for. Or whether its competitor would be a better option for your newspaper advertisement

Question 2 - Can the newspaper target your required audience? 

Enquire from the newspaper advertising agency if your choice of newspaper can target the niche audience that you wish to reach out to. Different newspapers are dominant in specific regions depending on various factors such as the language, readers, products or services advertised, etc. Therefore it's best to ask the agency for their recommendation on how best to reach your target audience. 

Question 3 - How can I get the most out of my newspaper advertising campaign?

Inquire about which of your newspaper's goods will produce the best outcomes for you. Even though you may have a certain product or service that you wish to advertise, it is always beneficial to get an expert's opinion. Based on that, you can make decisions or changes accordingly. 

Question 4 - What is the intended newspaper ad's size?

The data could be presented in a column-by-column format. Newspaper advertising is typically spaced out in 5 to 6 columns on each page, with the width of the ad determined by the columns and the depth of the ad determined in inches. A newspaper ad is published both online and offline. Hence, exploring the size options will help you figure out what looks best both online and offline. 

Question 5 - On which day of the week will my newspaper ad appear?

Dailies and weeklies are the two main types of newspapers. A daily is usually published Monday through Sunday, but a weekly is published only once a week. An advertisement purchased in a printed newspaper is only planned to run for one day, either one of the daily days or the sole day of the week. Communicate with a newspaper advertising agency and look into which day of the week will produce the best results for your advertisement. 

Question 6 - Is it possible for my newspaper advertisement to be printed in colour?

This would have been a key question twenty years ago, but advances in newspaper printing today allow for colour on every page of a newspaper. The question is still relevant because colour ads in print are usually more expensive. Color (also known as 4C or Full Color) may not be included if it is not specified. Therefore, it is best to inquire if your newspaper ad will be printed in colour. 

With this set of questions, your newspaper advertising process will surely become easier and simpler. But to make the entire process even more effortless, we would suggest that you get in touch with Bookadsnow. This newspaper advertising agency prides itself on 30+ years of industry experience. It also has full INS accreditation and a team of in-house experts who assist in the entire ad booking process. 

At Bookadsnow, you can be sure that your newspaper ad will be in the best hands while delivering guaranteed results. Get in touch with Bookadsnow today!